
Metadecidim, nuestra comunidad

Una comunidad democrática que gestiona el proyecto Decidim en todas sus dimensiones

Metadecidim es una comunidad que colabora en el diseño de la plataforma y la construcción del proyecto. Entre todas podemos diseñar y desarrollar nuevas funcionalidades y notificar bugs para una mejora continua de la plataforma.
Propose and help define new features
Report bugs and help the developers fix them
Help shape the future of the platform
The Decidim Community during the Decidim Fest 2021
How often is the platform updated?

We release a new version approximately every month. See the record of versions.

What are the differences with Consul Project / Decide Madrid?

There are many differences: features, flexibility, architecture, modularity, etc. We have published a post to try to answer this question.

How can I get more information about the Decidim Association?

In the general assembly of the Decidim Association you can find more info abous us, follow the activity of the meetings and check relevant information (statutes, legal agreements, the internal regulations)

What is the Metadecidim community?

Metadecidim is the community of Decidim that collaborates in the design of the platform and the construction of the Decidim project. We meet regularly through the Community Meetings, for issues related to the technological aspects of the platform and the Labs witc are Research oriented meetings. Our annual conference is Decidim Fest. Go to to follow the calls closely and if you want to join the community. We'd love to ;-)

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